Removing a hypervisor connection


This article discusses removing a hypervisor connection from your Datto device.


  • Datto SIRIS
  • Agentless backups


Datto appliances require a hypervisor connection to perform agentless backups. If you no longer need a certain hypervisor connection, you can remove it via the Datto appliance GUI by navigating to Configure > Hypervisor Connections.

Figure 1: Configure > Hypervisor Connections

Delete the connection by clicking the wastebasket icon to the far right of the hypervisor listing.

Figure 2: Hypervisor listing

Removing a hypervisor connection breaks the link between your Datto device and the hypervisor. Once you remove the connection, you will no longer be able to back up any systems that are located on that hypervisor. Click the wastebasket icon to remove the hypervisor connection. If you currently have any systems that are using that connection, a warning dialog box will display, "Connection in use: The connection is being used by X system(s). If you continue, these systems will no longer be able to take backups".

Figure 3: Connection in use

Click CONTINUE to remove the hypervisor connection. You cannot cancel this step once you start it. After you remove the hypervisor connection, existing backup chains will be unaffected, but systems that relied on the connection will no longer be able to take backups.

Removing a hypervisor connection with restores mounted

You cannot delete a hypervisor connection if there are mounted restores that are using that connection. Attempting to remove the connection when a restore is mounted will result in a dialog box that displays the error, "Connection in Use: The connection has X active restore(s)."

Figure 4: Active restore mounted

Clicking CONTINUE before removing the restores will result in a dialog box that displays, "Error deleting connection: Error while deleting connection. Please remove active restores".

Figure 5: Error deleting connection

Remove any restores that are using the hypervisor connection and then attempt to remove the connection again.

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