Configuring email alerts for Datto BCDR devices in the Partner Portal
An overview of the configurable alerts in the Datto partner portal for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Datto devices.
- Datto Partner Portal
- Datto SIRIS
- Datto ALTO
This article explains how to set up hardware and account alerts for your Datto device in the Partner Portal. These alerts can be configured to sen to an email or phone via text.
Log into the Datto Partner portal.
Click the Status tab, then select BCDR Status from the top banner's drop-down menu.
Type the device name in the search bar at the top right, then select the device from the main window.
Click Device Alerts under Task Queue of the Device Overview.
The Device Alerts page will load, where settings for the device can be configured, cloned, or managed.
Agent-specific alerts
Agent-specific alerts and reports (such as log digests) can only be configured through the Datto device's GUI. For more information on local alerts, see: Configuring Alert, Warning, and Log Digest Emails on a Datto Appliance.
Configurable Alerts
Below is a list of the configurable alerts in the Partner portal for a given device. Once set, these may be used to clone the settings to another device.
Additional emails may be added if multiple recipients are required. The same list of recipients will be used for all enabled alerts.

Configure this option to provide notifications if there is a hardware issue or a SMART status alert for the device.

This alert will send if the appliance fails to check in with the Datto remote monitoring servers within a specific length of time (60 minutes by default). Do not change this value to anything less than 20 minutes as the devices check in once every 10 minutes.

This alert will send if the appliance has not reached full sync within a set period (14 days by default). Set this value to two days or higher to avoid persistent alerts.

This alert will send if the total change written to the appliance's storage (includes all snapshots, screenshots, offsite data, device updates, etc.) in a 24-hour window, from 4:00 am EST to 4:00 am EST the following day, exceeds a set amount (5 GB by default).

This alert will send if your appliance is running low on disk space. You can set the threshold for remaining space before receiving the alert.

This alert will send if the external (public) IP address of the network where the Datto is communicating from changes.

This alert will send if more than a set amount of data (5 GB by default) is deleted from the appliance.

This alert will send if the total amount of protected data surpasses 55% of the device's capacity.
For more information about this alert, refer to the following article: Properly sizing a Datto Appliance.
Additional Options

Configure these alerts, and clone them to other Datto devices.

This can be found in the top banner menu by clicking Admin>Portal Email Alerts
IMPORTANT If you are a Microsoft Exchange Online user, and you do not receive all alert emails, check the Clutter folder for the missing messages.
What's new:
- Partners can change the default addresses used for sending emails.
- By default, Datto sends a "New Appliance Shipped" email to the primary and billing email address.
- You can change this by checking the different boxes or adding a separate email.
All alerts sent will have "Email Type:" at the bottom of the email, and will match the type in the portal.

Autotask and Datto RMM can integrate with Datto's alerting. Alerting can also integrate with third-party applications, including ConnectWise, BrightGauge, ITGlue, and many others. The following links will direct you to external Knowledge Base content for further details and support.
- ConnectWise: How Do I Integrate ConnectWise Manage 2.0 with My Datto Device?
- Autotask: Autotask PSA: How do I set up an Autotask integration with my Datto device?
- BrightGauge:
- ITGlue:
- Kaseya: