Reverse RoundTrip overview


This article describes the Reverse RoundTrip process, which allows for physical data retrieval from the Datto Cloud.


  • Datto Reverse RoundTrip


A Reverse RoundTrip lets you retrieve data from the Datto Cloud by having the Datto Datacenter copy it to a portable drive that is shipped to a location of your choice. Data can be retrieved for one or more agent in the form of:

  • Single snapshots
  • All snapshots within a date range
  • All snapshots in a dataset chain

Important information

  • Reverse RoundTrips are a paid service. See Service fees section of this article for base service fees. Datto waives these fees in a disaster recovery scenario.
  • Ask Datto Technical Support if a Reverse RoundTrip is the best solution for you. In many scenarios, another method may be more fitting, such as an offsite Image Export or File Restore.
  • All requests will be evaluated by the Cloud team for feasibility. Datto may recommend that changes to the parameters of the request be made to support its fulfillment.
  • Compression sizes on Siris/Alto devices and within the cloud perform utilize dataset compression. Estimates and data transfer provided from Reverse Roundtrip requests are uncompressed and may result in larger sync sizes than reflected in the offsite audit.
  • Ranges of individual snapshots, such as monthly snapshots, that would break the continuous chain are not available for sync.
  • Reverse RoundTrips are not available for Datto Endpoint Backup or Datto Backup for Microsoft Azure.
  • Reverse RoundTrip devices can only be provided if they are USB. The Cloud Support team will determine if this is suitable depending on the size and parameters of the request, and the device type (Virtual Siris devices will only be provided with NAS RoundTrip devices).
  • When the data you are requesting exists locally, a local data archive should be created rather than a Reverse RoundTrip

NOTE  If you have encrypted agents, never provide your agent encryption passphrase to Datto Support! Datto will never ask you for it. If your passphrase is provided to us, we will ask you to change it before we proceed with any requests.


To order a Reverse RoundTrip, use the Reverse RoundTrip Request Form.

  1. From the Partner Portal home page, navigate to Status > BCDR Status.
  2. Click the name of your Datto Device and then scroll down to the Offsite section.
  3. Click the Reverse Roundtrip button to access the form.

Reverse Roundtrip form

Submitting the Reverse RoundTrip form creates a Technical Support ticket with all of the information below:

ZFS File format

Data will be provided in the Datto devices native ZFS format. ZFS data takes up the least amount of space on disk and provides the highest level of compatibility with a Datto appliance. It is the same format used by Datto appliances and Cloud servers to store data. It also allows the retrieval of a large number of snapshots with a small footprint due to how ZFS stores data. The end user will need an in-service Datto appliance to facilitate restores from the data, or they may directly manipulate the volumes in the ZFS file system to create their own restores. ZFS formatted data is transferred to the RoundTrip device at a block level.

Important sizing Information

When data is provided in ZFS format, it is stored in the same way it is on a Datto appliance, with each snapshot only holding incremental change data. A 1TB agent, for example, may have a base backup size of ~600GB or less on disk, due to compression. Even with a large backup chain, each individual snapshot may not take a significant amount of space on disk, so the entire chain could be small enough to fit on a single 2TB drive.

Optional - Drive Encryption

Drive-level encryption can be requested when ordering the Reverse RoundTrip. Note that selecting "Unencrypted" could result in a security risk during transportation. See Decrypting a Reverse RoundTrip drive for information on decrypting the drive upon arrival.

Optional - Details on specific files

Any additional details or concerns can be relayed to support when submitting the request here.

Shipping and technical contact details

  • Submitting a request will open a ticket with Datto Technical Support. Provide a valid e-mail address for the contact associated with your request.
  • Provide a valid shipping address. We ship via UPS and can provide transportation charges before shipment upon request.
  • You can relay any optional instructions (for shipping, support, etc.) in the Optional Instructions field.

Datto-provided RoundTrip vs. partner-provided RoundTrip

The drive can be provided for the Reverse RoundTrip (USB RRT only). Datto recommends that we provide the necessary equipment for the fastest and most reliable data retrieval process. See our Using your own storage device as a RoundTrip drive article to learn more about using your own drive.

Reverse Round-Trip process

1. Technical Support sees the ticket and reaches out to the partner for a brief consultation

This consultation is to verify the specifics of the request and to make sure it will meet the needs of the partner.

2. Technical Support confirms that you have provided all required information

If you are sending Datto a storage device, you need to update the support ticket with the tracking number so that our RoundTrip team can track the incoming shipment.

If you are providing the storage device, you need to ship the unit to the designated data center for your location (see below). Datto is not responsible for costs incurred in shipping partner-provided units to the data centers.

USA Partners Canadian Partners UK / EMEA Partners German Partners Australian Partners

ATTN: Datto TierPoint
Shipping and Receiving
9999 Hamilton Blvd
Building #4, Dock 7
Breinigsville, PA 18031

Datto Canada RoundTrip Department
Aptum Technologies
20 Pullman Court
Scarborough, ON M1X 1E4
c/o Datto RoundTrip Team
630 Ajax Ave
C/O Noris Network
AG Klausnerstraße 30
Munich, DE

Attn: Datto RoundTrip

Unit 41/566 Gardeners Road Alexandria NSW 2015

3. Technical Support engages Cloud Support

After preliminary setup, Cloud Support synchronizes the data as requested. Cloud Support will provide an estimated cost for the Reverse RoundTrip and do a final check on all information. The table below outlines the time frames in which you can expect these data syncs to complete:


Not all requests can be fulfilled. Cloud Support will evaluate and determine whether a request is feasible, or whether any parameters such as format will need to be changed.

4. RoundTrip Support ships the RoundTrip unit

Datto ships the Reverse RoundTrip unit to the address provided on the request form. All orders are shipped UPS Overnight. Make sure that you keep everything in the box, especially the Datto-provided return shipping label.

5. RoundTrip Operations bills for syncing service fees

Once Datto ships the drive, RoundTrip Operations bills the partner for the service fees. We base this charge on the amount of data synced to the RoundTrip device, not the size of the device. Base service fees are $50 for the first 2 TB block of data synced and $50 for each additional 1 TB block of data synced.

  • Syncing 0.1 TB - 2.0 TB costs $50
  • Syncing 2.1 TB - 3.0 TB would cost $100
  • Syncing 3.1 TB - 4.0 TB would cost $150, etc.

The invoice is submitted as Awaiting Reseller Approval in the Partner Portal so that you can associate a credit card with the invoice in the checkout cart.

Syncing data back to the Datto appliance

Datto Technical Support can assist in copying the Reverse RoundTrip data back to a Datto appliance. If you have any encrypted agents or shares, and we are restoring encrypted data from our cloud servers, the process is similar to the above procedure. However, before repairing agent communication after the sync, Datto downloads algorithm information to the appliance, allowing you to enter the encryption passphrase. After entering the passphrase, you can pair the agent and resume backups.

Returning the Reverse RoundTrip unit to Datto, or paying to keep it

You must return the Reverse RoundTrip in the original packaging that you received it in. Packaging consists of the box, packing materials, USB cables, and power supply (if applicable). If you wish to keep the Reverse RoundTrip unit for archival purposes, Datto will charge a replacement fee (see the tables below).

You must return the Reverse RoundTrip unit within fourteen (14) days of delivery. If you do not return the Reverse RoundTrip within four weeks (28 days) of delivery, Datto will consider the drive late and will send a notification. If Datto does not receive a Reverse RoundTrip unit back within eight weeks (56 days) of delivery, Datto will bill you for the full replacement cost of the Reverse RoundTrip.

Hardware replacement fees by region

Description Model USA (US Dollars) Canada (Canadian Dollars) EMEA (British Pounds/Euros) APAC (Australian Dollars/Singapore Dollars)
2 TB Passport RT2000 $185 $240 £140/165 $255/$250
4 TB Passport RT4000 $250 $325 £190/220 $345/$335
6 TB MyBook RT6000 $355 $465 £270/315 $490/$475
8 TB MyBook RT8000 $410 $535 £315/365 $565/$550
12 TB MyBook RT12000 $640 $870 £510/560 $920/$890
15 TB MyBook RT15000 $660 $890 £540/620 $980/$900
30 TB NAS (4 Bay) RT30000 $3,500 $4,595 £2,700/3,125 $4,835/$2,725
36 TB NAS (8 Bay) RT36000 $4,115 $5,400 £3,175/3,675 $5,685/$5,560
70 TB NAS (8 Bay) RT70000 $6,550 $8,600 £5,055/5,850 $9,050/$8,850