Troubleshooting check-In errors


This article discusses troubleshooting cases where a Datto device does not check in to Datto's monitoring servers.


  • Datto SIRIS
  • Datto ALTO
  • Datto NAS


  • This article uses [selected interface] as an example of a primary NIC. Your primary NIC assignment might be different. If this is the case, substitute instances of [selected interface] in this article with the NIC assignment used in your configuration.
  • SIRIS 3 and newer devices require 10/100/1000 networking to check-in successfully. See the Datto Networking Requirements article for more information.
  • By default, Datto disables local network access to the Datto device UI. You can enable local access under Configuration > Global Device Settings > Local Access Control in the Datto Web UI.

Troubleshooting steps

Check communications

  1. Browse to the Datto device's local IP address to see if the Web UI is accessible.
  2. If you can access the Web UI, log in with the admin account created during registration, then navigate to Configure > Networking to check that the network settings are correct. Also, make sure that at least one Public DNS is present.
  3. Verify that the ports intended for communication on your network (eth1, eth2, etc.) are not disabled.
  1. Ping the device on the local network. If it does not respond, make sure it has a gigabit connection from the switch to the LAN.
  2. Try replacing the Ethernet cable.
  3. Reboot the Datto appliance.

Direct connection to the device

You can attempt to connect via IPMI on SIRIS series 2, 3, and 4 devices. See the following articles for more information:

Local Connection (Putty)

You can try connecting to the Datto device on the local network using putty via the device's local IP address over port 22. Advanced-trained partners can try accessing the device via SSH. If the connection still fails, verify the device can check-in as follows:

  1. Connect a keyboard, monitor, and mouse to the Datto device, and open a Terminal session by pressing CTRL+ALT+F2. Once logged in, enter the command:

    su backup-admin

  2. Enter your backup-admin password. You can find the backup-admin password on the Partner Portal by clicking on the appliance's name. You will find the password listed under the Device Overview heading.

  1. Once logged in as backup-admin, enter the command

    sudo -i

    The screen should look similar to the example below

  1. Type checkin and allow it some time to follow through. If the command returns errors, note the error message.

  2. Run the following command to see if another device on your network is using the same IP address of the Datto appliance, for more information on arping and duplicate address detection mode ( -D), please refer to the manual pages.

    arping -I <primary interface> -D <IP address of the Datto appliance>

    root@ExampleDevice:~# arping -I br0 -D
    ARPING from br0
    ^CSent 8 probes (8 broadcast(s))
    Received 0 response(s)

    If the arping command does return a value, it means another nic is responding to the IP requested and will provide the mac address of that network adapter. Please note the mac address and compare it to other adapters on the device itself. It is not recommended to have multiple NICs connected to the same LAN if they are not bonded. Please refer to Device Auxiliary / Secondary NIC settings for more information.

    Example of a request, returning a response:

    sdroot@ExampleDevice:~# arping -I br0 -D

    ARPING from br0

    Unicast reply from [00:D8:61:B1:02:43] 0.842ms

    Sent 1 probes (1 broadcast(s))

    Received 1 response(s)


Check the Switch

NOTE  The Datto appliance requires gigabit network connections to all protected machines over the LAN. If your Datto appliance does not complete the registration process or fails to check in, make sure you've set the port on the switch to which it is connected and the Datto appliance's primary NIC to negotiate the appropriate speeds: On the organization's switch:

  1. Log into the switch, and make sure that the Datto appliance's dedicated port is set to a specific speed (i.e., 1000 Mbps).
  2. On the Datto appliance, connect a keyboard, monitor, and mouse to the Datto device. Press CTRL + ALT + F1 to access the Command Line Interface (CLI).
  3. Log in using the device's backup-admin username and password (if registered), and run the following commands:

sudo -i
ethtool -s <selectedInterface> speed 1000 duplex full
ethtool -s <selectedInterface> autoneg off
reboot now

  1. Attempt to register or check the device in again.
  2. if the above step is successful, leave as is, if this fails, turn autoneg back on

Networking Issues

If the error involves general network connectivity issues, see Configuring Networking from the Datto Appliance Console