Getting Started with Datto Endpoint Backup
This article describes system requirements for Datto Endpoint Backup.
- Datto Endpoint Backup
- Overview
- System requirements
- Considerations
- Versioning
- Installation
- Frequently asked questions
- Additional Resources
The Datto Endpoint Backup Agent lets you back up protected Windows desktop and server systems' volumes directly to the Datto Cloud without using a SIRIS, ALTO, or NAS appliance.
If the protected machine loses connectivity to the Internet or shuts down in the middle of a backup, Datto Essential's intelligent agent software will resume the backup where it left off when the system restarts or reconnects.
File restores, and Bare Metal Restore are available with Datto Endpoint Backup and can be created from any snapshot.
Organization access can be setup to allow your organization to perform self service file restores. See Creating an Organization User.
System requirements
OS |
NOTE Windows 10/11 Enterprise multi-session is not compatible. If this is your Windows version, please consider Windows Backup for Microsoft Azure. |
Hardware |
Memory requirements |
Disk space requirements |
Network |
Anti-virus exceptions |
Create exceptions for Datto Cloud Continuity Service and the DattoProvider service: %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Datto\Datto Cloud Continuity\DattoCloudContinuity.exe %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Datto\Datto Cloud Continuity\DattoProvider.exe Allow the following file: %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\Drivers\DattoCbt.sys |
Other Requirements |
- The Datto Endpoint Backup Agent can only back up hard drives that are physically attached to the protected machine. The Datto Endpoint Backup Agent cannot back up mapped drives.
- Backing up external/removable drives is unsupported. See Volume Level Backup Control for Datto Endpoint Backup for more information.
- Datto Endpoint Backup is not for installation or use on systems already protected by the Datto Windows Agent, Datto Backup for PCs, or other backup solutions. If your protected endpoint currently uses another backup solutions, do not switch to the Datto Essentials Agent.
- For optimal performance you must reboot the endpoint following agent installation. If the machine is not rebooted, it will be unable to take incremental backups and will take a maximum of one backup per day.
- The file restore option is not compatible with Microsoft One Drive.
- The Datto Endpoint Backup Agent does not support 64-bit ARM-based processors (such as the Surface Pro X).
- System compression, also known as "Compact OS", is a Windows feature that allows rarely modified files to be compressed using the XPRESS or LZX compression formats and is NOT supported.
- GDPR Compliance Notice: During the agent registration process, you will have the option to select either the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, or the United Kingdom to host your offsite data. Additional regional data centers may be available in future releases.
- Datto Endpoint Backup does not currently support systems using REFS volumes.
- Backup and virtualization of deduplicated volumes is untested and may produce inconsistent results, particularly with File Restores . Use an alternate restore method where the volume is mounted in Windows to avoid these scenarios.
- Backup of User Profile Disks used by the Remote Desktop Service is unsupported. Remote Desktop Service (external link). These volumes should be excluded from backups.
- If you are protecting any volumes on your machine using an anti-virus software that uses VSS to allow for rollback remediation or snapshotting in the event of a security / encryption breach (like SentinelOne, for example), this will need to disabled in order for the Windows agent to properly backup these volumes.
- Storage Server operating systems are not supported at this time.
For the latest version information, see Release Notes. You can check your protected machine's installed version from the agent tray icon. The latest release is always available at
Download the Datto Endpoint Backup Agent from the Datto download page. To learn how to deploy, register, or uninstall the Datto Endpoint Backup Agent, see our Installing and Registering the Datto Endpoint Backup Agent article.
- The agent software will install the Datto Endpoint Backup Service on the protected machine during this process.
- Datto recommends reviewing the Encryption Compatibility With The Datto Solution Knowledge Base article when deploying the agent to encrypted machines.
NOTE During the registration of Datto Endpoint Backup Agents, the agent is tied to an Organization account in the Datto Partner Portal. Removing the organization account will result in the deletion of any Datto Endpoint Backup Agent datasets linked to that organization.
Datto recommends running the following checks on the system you are protecting before installing the Datto Endpoint Backup Agent:
- Run chkdsk to be sure that all RAIDs and individual disks report back as healthy. Perform necessary disk repairs before deploying any backup agent. Failure to do so may result in backing up corrupted systems and restoration failures.
Disk defragmentation
- While Datto can perform backups that are running disk defragmentation, be aware that this rearranges data at a block level, and may result in larger backups.
- Run disk defragmentation before you deploy the agent.
- VSS-aware disk defragmentation programs may allow for smaller backups but are optional.
Windows updates
- Download Windows updates, service packs, and any other Microsoft-provided updates. After installing these updates, reboot the server. When scheduling your deployment, remember that the 2nd Tuesday of every month is Microsoft's 'Patch Tuesday.'
Virus scan
- Run a virus scan before you deploy the Datto backup solution to your production machine.
Event Viewer
- Check the target's system and application logs to see if there are any VSS or hardware errors.
- Resolve any errors before attempting to install the agent.
Previously installed backup software
- Before installing the Datto Agent, you should disable and remove all other backup software from the production machine. Depending on the software, you may need to completely uninstall it for backups to run correctly.
- When uninstalling other backup software, use a high-level program that eliminates all traces of the incompatible software, including registry keys, DLLs, and stray folders. These components can cause conflicts.
Group Policy
- To avoid issues with installing the necessary certificates, ensure that the Windows Group Policy is not set to "Allow only Enterprise Administrators"

Can I back up my machine with both a SIRIS and the Datto Endpoint Backup Agent at the same time?
No. You can only use one type of backup solution at a time. Attempting to protect your machine with more than one kind of solution simultaneously can cause conflicts and backup failures.
What is the retention policy for my Datto Endpoint Backup offsite backups?
We currently offer 1-year Time-Based Retention (TBR). Under the time-based retention model, your Datto Endpoint Backup Agents will:
- keep all intra-daily backups for seven days
- after that, keep daily backups for the next week
- after that, keep weekly backups for the next month
- keep the remaining backups for one year
To learn more about retention, see our Understanding the Retention Process article. For further information about Time-Based Retention (TBR), including pricing details, contact your Datto Sales Executive.
Are RoundTrips available for Datto Endpoint Backup?
Unlike Datto on-prem products, RoundTrips and Reverse RoundTrips are not available for Datto Endpoint Backup.
Can I set a custom backup schedule for my Datto Endpoint Backup?
The Datto Endpoint Backup Backup Agent backs up your protected endpoint once every two hours. The schedule is not customizable.
Can I configure the Datto Endpoint Backup Agent to alert me when a backup has failed?
Yes, for a full list of configurable email alerts and information on configuring them, please refer to: Datto Endpoint Backup: Email Alert Settings
What type of network speeds do I need for Datto Endpoint Backup?
At least 1 Mbps (125 KBps) uplink per terabyte of protected data is reccomended. The initial full backup of your protected machine will generally be the largest and take the most time to upload. Differential merges can also take longer than standard incremental backups. Upload times will vary greatly depending on your network speed and the size of the data being transferred. See our Unified Backup networking and bandwidth requirements article for more details.
What retention options are available?
At launch, 1-year retention will be offered.
How are backups pruned?
The same method for pruning is used as other Datto Unified Backup products. Intra-daily -> dailies, dailies -> weeklies, weeklies -> monthlies, etc. See this article for more information on the pruning process.
Additional Resources
To learn more about the Datto Endpoint Backup installation on your protected system and how to interact with your cloud-based backups, see the following articles: