Setting up a new Datto appliance


This article describes the process of deploying and configuring a new physical Datto appliance. For SIRIS Virtual, see Getting Started with SIRIS Virtual.

NOTE  For preventative measures and maintenance best practices for Datto appliances, see our Quick Start guides.


  • Datto SIRIS
  • Datto ALTO
  • Datto NAS


Before beginning your installation, review the following prerequisites.

  • If you are installing a Datto appliance at a new location, make sure that the host network meets the Datto Networking Requirements.
  • The first backup for a protected system can be very large. If you are pairing protected systems with your Datto appliance for the first time, and are not performing a Device Migration, you should consider ordering a RoundTrip drive. Many times, host networks do not have enough throughput to replicate initial backups to the Datto cloud promptly.
  • When setting up a new Datto appliance, you need the power cable and an Ethernet cable. While not required, Datto also recommends having a monitor, mouse, and keyboard ready to plug into the appliance in case you have trouble registering it over the LAN.
  • Datto appliances, particularly larger rack-mount devices, have cooling fans that may be loud during normal operation, and are designed for the controlled climate of server rooms. Operation in a dedicated server space is recommended.

IMPORTANT  Datto appliances require Internet access to perform their first backup.

Initial appliance setup

Datto ships 2U SIRIS 3 Enterprise and all SIRIS 4 Enterprise devices with the drive bays empty. The drives are included in the same packaging as the device. There is no set order for drive installation.

  1. Plug the appliance into a power outlet. Datto also recommends connecting the device to a battery backup (also known as an 'Uninterruptible Power Supply' or 'UPS') to ensure consistent operation during low voltage and brownout conditions.
  2. Connect the appliance to your LAN. Depending on the type of device, there can be two or more wired network interface card (NIC) connections located on the back of the device. You can use any of the NICs, but you cannot hot-swap them. If you need to change to a different NIC port, you can reboot the device to apply the changes. You can also select DHCP or Static, assign the IP address, move the cable, and reload networking.

Datto also strongly recommends enabling IPMI on appliances that have this feature and configuring the IPMI port with a static IPv4 address. Doing so will allow you to access the device remotely for troubleshooting if necessary. SeeGetting started with IPMI for more information about configuring IPMI.

SIRIS 5 Notes

  • SIRIS 5 rack mount models use DELL's iDRAC system, which works in a similiar way to IPMI, but with more advanced features. See Using iDRAC with SIRIS 5 devices for information on setting up iDRAC.
  • SIRIS 5 devices include firmware that will need to be updated from time to time. When setting up your SIRIS 5 device for the first time, you should check to ensure your device is on the latest firmware version recommended by Datto and update if necessary. See .SIRIS 5 Firmware release notes and Updating SIRIS 5 Firmware

IMPORTANT  The following steps assume that DHCP service is enabled on your network. If not, you will need to connect a keyboard, monitor, and mouse directly to the device to assign a static IP address to the main interface before you can see it on the network or

  1. Turn on the power to the appliance.

NOTE  For smaller devices, boot time should not take longer than five minutes. For larger (Professional and Enterprise-series) devices, a cold boot may take more than five minutes. This boot duration is normal functionality. If your device does not finish booting within ten minutes, contact Datto Technical Support for assistance.

  1. From another computer on the same LAN as the Datto appliance, open a browse and go to

If you only have one Datto appliance on this LAN, this URL will bring you to the web interface for that Datto. If you have more than one Datto appliance on this LAN, you will see a list of devices.

Unregistered devices are listed as backupDevice. Click on its IP address to connect to it.

After you connect to the Datto appliance, it will download and apply device updates. If any updates fail to install, contact Datto Technical Support for assistance.

Next steps

1. Register the device

Once the updating process completes, your browser will redirect you to a Device Registration screen. Follow the Registering a Datto Appliance article to get started. After registration, the Datto Device GUI will be available via the Datto Partner Portal.

2. Add protected systems

After registering the Datto appliance, follow the Protect a System article to pair protected machines for backup to the Datto appliance.

3. Configure offsite synchronization (optional)

If you need to regulate a Datto device's bandwidth when syncing with the cloud, consult the Off-Site Synchronization Configuration guide to learn how to calculate daily synchronization transfer amounts and set bandwidth throttles.

4. Joining the Datto appliance to a domain (optional)

Datto appliances work best when they are not domain-joined. However, if your environment requires it, you can join the device to your domain from the Network Configuration page of the appliance GUI.

IMPORTANT  By default, Datto disables local network access to the Datto device UI. You can enable local access under Configuration > Global Device Settings > Local Access Control in the Datto Device Web UI.

Additional Resources